
Overcome your fear of water once and for all!

FREE online masterclass!

Are you ready to finally learn how to be comfortable in the water so you can swim without panic or stress?

Learn the 5 simple steps you need to finally overcome your fear of water

(Even if you’ve tried everything and think it’s impossible for you!)

And no, you won’t need therapy but it might just change your life!

30th November at 7pm GMT

I guess you are here because you’d love to feel calm and relaxed in the water but whatever you have tried just hasn’t worked; you just can’t get past those feelings of stress, panic and fear that stop you from enjoying the water like everyone else seems to do so easily.

The problem is that you can’t just ‘do it’!

As you may well have already discovered, it is not easy overcoming a fear of water by yourself.

I have been working as a swimming coach for 8 years and have helped hundreds of people overcome their fears so I’ve learned a thing or two about what works and what definitely doesn’t work.

I absolutely know that, whatever you may currently believe, with the right approach and understanding, overcoming your fear is easier than you can imagine.  

But there is so much poor advice out there offering solutions that just do not work, that can actually make your fear worse because they do not teach you the essential game-changing skills and understanding that will keep you feeling safe and panic-free in the water.

 So many people try over and over again to do what doesn’t work and what I want for you is that you save yourself so much time, effort, stress and frustration by simply following an easy step by step plan that will quickly and easily help you overcome your fears once and for all.

I get it, I really do!

I know it’s so frustrating, but please don’t give up, there is another way, and it WORKS!

So, how would it feel if...

...and what if you could achieve this far more quickly
than you imagine with no stress or discomfort?

Let's be honest, this is life-changing!

Adult Swimming Lessons - Sarah Hill - Swimmingly Water Confidence Lessons

 Overcoming your fear of water is NOT about just getting out of your comfort zone!

You’ve probably already discovered that despite the advice of others,  ‘just going for it’ does not work, instead it makes you panic, it’s horrible and stressful and can easily set you back. 

It just doesn’t work and neither do the other approaches you might have tried, they  haven’t worked because they  do not give you the crucial skills and understanding that will make overcoming your fears possible and even easy. 

They miss the essential steps that will stop your panic before it even starts so you can easily stay calm and in control in the water.

Our approach gives you the missing parts of the jigsaw, the crucial game-changing skills that the other things you tried  that didn’t work for you have totally missed and that you won’t have figured out for yourself  – the essential skills and understanding that will make overcoming your fears possible for you – even if you think you’re a hopeless case!


Overcome Your Fear of Water Masterclass

If you are ready to finally discover what DOES work, how YOU can learn to be comfortable in the water so you can enjoy the water free of panic or stress then join our Masterclass.

It's FREE!

And no, you won’t need therapy but it might just change your life!

(no one else is teaching this!)


This course is aimed at adult swimmers so the minimum age is 18.

This course is suitable for people who can already swim (any stroke, anyhow) and are confident with their face in the water and in the deep end of a swimming pool. If you are not yet at this stage please get in touch with us to book some one-to-one lessons.

These sessions are about learning good technique, so we do not swim lots of lengths. This means that they shouldn’t be physically tiring. However, learning something new requires focus and concentration so sometimes people find them mentally tiring!

Please bring your swimming costume or trunks (close-fitting are better), swim cap, goggles, drink and a towel.

There is plenty of car parking at the school.

Unfortunately, refunds can’t be offered, but wherever possible we will try to accommodate you on a different course.

Sarah Hill

Hi, I'm your coach Sarah

I’m a swimming coach specialising in working with adults who have a fear of water, with 8 years of experience helping hundreds of clients to build confidence and achieve life-changing results. I can guarantee that, whilst it may feel like an impossible problem to solve it’s perfectly possible for anyone to overcome a fear of water even if they’ve tried many times without success.

Unlike other swimming teachers, I understand exactly why people are afraid and exactly how to help anyone quickly and easily move from panic to peace in the water – every single one of my water phobia clients has felt so much more comfortable in the water after just one pool session, often in just a few minutes,  – and they’ve loved every minute!

I love helping people overcome their fears, there is nothing that is more rewarding or thrilling for me than to see the joy on someone’s face as they achieve peace in the water often when they have spent years and years believing that it was impossible for them.

It’s like a miracle every time and I want you to experience your own miracle too.

So, if you’re ready to finally overcome your fears once and for all, I’m with you every step of the way.

As well as over 8 years coaching experience, I am a Level 2 Swimming Teacher, level 2 Open Water Coach and Level 2 Total Immersion Swimming Coach.